
Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, Team Coaching, Karen Fugle, Coaching London, Executive Coaching London, Team Coaching London, Leadership Coaching London, LEGO Serious Play, LEGO Serious play London, Architect Coach, Coaching Architects, AEC Coach, Architecture coach, Business coach, Coach Karen

Hello & Welcome!

I help architects, designers and construction industry professionals develop the leadership capabilities they need to accelerate their personal, professional, and organisational performance.



  • Build your network and relationships

  • Engage your employees / team

  • De-stress, delegate, organise

  • Transition a promotion or new role

  • Manage a redundancy or outplacement

  • Clarify the next step in your career

  • Achieve specific career goals

  • Develop effective leadership skills

  • Make efficient and appropriate decisions as a leader

  • Increase confidence, motivation, resilience or influence

  • Manage your work/home balance



With a free, no-obligation discussion (phone or Zoom), we discuss your opportunity or challenge, what coaching is/isn't and whether it's the right course of action for you.



Hi, I’m Karen Fugle, a Leadership and Career Coach. Having worked in the architectural sector for over 25 years, I understand your unique set of motivations and challenges in the design world.

Coaching with me involves a combination of reflection, observation and feedback. Together we have conversations that are rich in insight and learning. You will raise your self-awareness - about how you work, what motivates you and what holds you back. Together we will develop strategies that take hold of opportunities, overcome challenges and move you onwards and upwards. 

Thank you so much Karen. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you. Your way of giving me perspective has changed a lot for me and will stay with me forever. Great person and great coach. Highly recommended to everyone.
— Sustainability Lead


Architecture.com: Articles + Events

ArchitectsJournal.co.uk: Opinion

Contact Karen Fugle today to learn how SleepingGiant can help you.
E. karen@sleepinggiant-consulting.com   M. +44 (0) 77628 11703